The scenic way home

After enjoying the Winter wonderland up on the Gotthard Pass, we started on our way back home. The snow had already started to melt at the bus stop, but I was still surprised to see that not 50 metres below the pass everything was green and there was nothing of the wintery conditions above to be seen.
After riding a pair of very scenic railways down from the heights of the Swiss Alps we arrived on the shore of Lake Luzern. Before departing on an antique steamboat across the lake, we had a bit of time to explore. I immediately set off to see if I could find some good views of the surrounding mountains and below is what I was able to come up with. I particularly like the first image, with the cloud draping itself lazily over the mountain. It reminds me of why I keep heading back to those mystical heights.

Nachdem wir die winterlichen Bedingungen auf dem Pass erlebt haben, ging es dann in Richtung zu Hause. Der Schnee hat schon begonnen zu schmelzen, als wir mit dem Bus losgefahren sind, aber es war für mich trotzdem eine Überraschung, dass schon 50 Meter unter dem Pass alles wieder grün war.
Nach der Busfahrt sind wir weiter mit dem Zug gefahren, bevor wir dann am Vierwaldstättersee ankamen. Als nächstes auf dem Plan war die Fahrt über den See auf einem antiken Dampfschiff, aber bevor das ankam, hatten wir einige Minuten Zeit das Dorf zu entdecken. Ich ging aber direkt zum Wasserrand und versuchte interessante Bilder zu finden. Die umliegenden Berge haben meinen Blick angezogen, als sie immer wieder aus den Wolken auftauchten. Von den Bildern, die ich gemacht habe, mag ich das erste unten am meisten. Es sieht es so aus, als ob die Wolke wie eine Decke über den Berg gezogen ist. Diese Erfahrung hat mich darn erinnert, warum ich immer wieder gerne diese Titanen aus Gestein aussuche.

10 thoughts on “The scenic way home

  1. In comparison I think I prefer the narrower crop of the last picture, as there is a bit more mystery: you have to look closer to realise in which season the photo was taken.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. On second look, I also like the crop of the last photo better. Though I prefer the clouds in the first still. I guess that means I’ll have to put 2 and 2 together… 🙂
      Thanks for your comment, chw!


    1. Thanks Mel! I must say that I really enjoyed being back in the mountains again.
      So you’ll be in Switzerland next week, then? Are you just passing through on a road trip, or will you be staying a bit longer?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Time passed by too quickly. Went on an intensive trip full of family visits. I am originally just from the northern side of the Bodensee and the boyfriend is from Bienne. So we spent a week crossing Switzerland (Solothurn, Bienne, Chaux de Fond, Lausanne and Geneva), staying with family and eating our weight in cheese 🙂 Absolutely love it and especially the mountains. Where are you located? Luzern?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It sounds like a fantastic holiday, Mel!
        I am quite partial to cheese myself, but haven’t managed to get into fondue yet… I guess I don’t like cheese as much as the Swiss do!
        We are currently situated about half way between both of your home towns, in Baden, which is not all too far away from Zürich. It is a really nice little place with a lot of culture on offer and well connected with the rest of Switzerland.
        If you are keen, then let me know the next time you are over here and perhaps we can have a coffee or beer (or cheese). 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Happy New Year! Hope you had a great holiday. Ah cheese is life. If I ever move to Switzerland I will become a cheese maker! 😀
        I have actually been to Baden for coffee once before. Went to visit a friend in Neuenhof and we made a day out of walking to Baden along the Limmat to get ice cream 🙂 I will definitely let you know when I am back in the area. I´m always up for a beer and Baden was quite a pretty town 🙂 Cheers from Iceland!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Happy New Year to you, too, Mel!
        We had a great holiday, thank you very much!
        Wow! A cheese maker, eh? That’s some cheesy dedication! 🙂
        That’s awesome that you enjoyed your visit in these parts. Walking along the river can be beautiful in the warmer months and with an ice cream as a reward at the end, perfect!
        Meeting up for a beer would be fantastic, I’m already looking forward to that mythical day. 🙂
        Cheers back to a hopefully not too frozen Iceland!

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